Mask and Patterned Optics

Qz/Sodalime Cr-mask (Mask grade specifications):

  • (1) 4-6" Qz Mask CD=1.2+/-0.1um.
  • (2) >=7" Soda/Qz CD 3+/-0.3um
  • (3) >20"x24" Soda CD 10+/-0.5, total pitch <= +/-2.5um
  • (4) defect depends grades and CVD repair。
  • (5) Max size: 1220x1400mmx(4.8t~13t)

Microscope Vernier、test mask etc (test targets)

  1. Optical vernier
  2. Evaluation mask for image distortion.
  3. Version for evaluation of image DOF

with your idea, we can implement it from layout to mask and then finally to a lens.